Sunday, May 24, 2015


As mentioned in a previous post, I am looking to explore a program called Sketchbook Pro by Autodesk. The version I have is not the latest. Mine is 6, and they have just come out with 7. At first I was not real convinced to upgrade. The first tutorial I saw on it was their flip book feature. And I wondered ... who needs a watered down animation program? But then I saw the perspective drawing tools. Wow! It's all I can say. Anybody that has tried to draw backgrounds can tell you getting buildings in perspective is very demanding. 

This system seems to be a real improvement over trying to do it manually. 

So ... surprise!!! I guess somewhere down the line, I will upgrade. 

If you are interested in doing cartoons or illustrative art in a digital format, either 6 or 7, I can highly recommend this program. I know ... I know ... I hear you now. John! How can you say this ... how do you know this? As to this point, you have not posted a single image. 

Well I promise, that will soon be rectified. I have done a little doodling in this program before this blog. It is quick to work with and the tools are intuitive. You might ask ... "What about Photoshop?" Don't get me wrong. Photoshop is the Mt Olympus of art programs. There is a God, Goddess or Demigod for any need and I have used this program for cartooning. Sometimes it's nice to have something streamlined, and designed to do one thing. You know ... like that favorite screwdriver that you keep in the kitchen cabinet drawer. Plus it is a mere fraction of the cost of Photoshop.

The other reason that I am so pro Sketchbook Pro, is the YouTube channel toonboxstudios. This is the work of artist/youtuber Paris Christou. He does a lot of speed drawings of his pin up character, Cherry. I can watch his videos over and over. I am mesmerized. It just seems so simple and just. flows. Yes I know it's sped up and anyone can make it seem easy if you know what you are doing. But trust me ... the learning curve has a much easier grade.

He also has done several Sketchbook tutorials. These are the really clear and will be my go to source to learning this program. Check them out if you use this program.

Is YouTube the source of all knowledge? Quick ... someone look up defusing a bomb.


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