Wednesday, May 6, 2015


... So are the days of our lives.

I swear I only sat down on the couch for a minute. A half our tops! Really!

OMG! Here we are. It's May. It's a third of a year gone and I am so behind ... on my drawings ... on my posts ... on ...just everything!

The most valuable assets we have to barter with are time, health and liberties. I have not included because I am still that much of a romantic. Love is a gift given freely and no commerce will coerce the true form. Liberties or freedoms are in constant flux. Health is lost with every sweet bite and every puff of tobacco. But with diligence and effort situations, to some degree can be rectified. Time, the one most freely spent is unable to be recovered. We already loose our conscious life to sleep. Another is exchanged for something as crass as money. So valuable ... but yet  ... so wasted.

"So what ya doin'?"

No excuses, but forbear me a few moments of introspection. I have listed and compiled all the elements that leech my life moments ... and at the end of the day ... I have a minute and fifteen minutes to work on my art. That's 8 hours a week. Now I can hear you say that's not too bad. That's the equivalent to a work day. Only ... now split that 8 hours between my interests in puppetry, the dulcimer and drawing.

I've always said that I need to retire so I can go to work.

I was going to say I just need to focus. Become more dedicated. I've started keeping a drawing journal to work on a project. I'm going to scan those drawings into the computer to be further manipulated and then post on this site.

The question now, however, is all this ciphering, is how much time I have left. You see   last week I went to a new optometrist ... a very thorough doctor. She discovered I am suffering from macula degeneration. A week from today I go in for surgery. Dr. Buck Rogers is going to shoot a ray gun into my eye to stop the bleeding. If this is not scary enough ... this is the same operation that left my Dad with vision that was obscured by a bloody cheese cloth like mass, constantly, teasing with an occasional glimpse of the world around him. 

I promise to keep you all updated ... but until then, it's business as usual.

Well maybe not. Maybe I'll actually post something.   

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