Thursday, September 1, 2016


Last Saturday was Allison's birthday. She is a good friend of my wife and her former long time roommate.She very deer to both of us. Yoko and I celebrated her natal day with dinner and presents. My gift to her, I made ... partially at her influence. The two ladies spend a fair amount of time window shopping their way through Disney.

It was they, who found these. Yoko made sure that it was brought to my attention ... all because Allison said, "John could do these!" These remind of shoe box dynoramas  that we made in elementary school.

Do they still do that these days?

I liked what I saw and wondered if Allison was right. Could I do this? So I watched every video I could on YouTube. Started doing plans. But as Allison's birthday drew closer I was reminded that I had planned to make one. So I went to work.

Allison is a big fan of Eeyore and I love Classical Pooh characters ... So that was my subject matter. Worked on it for a couple of days. Learned a lot. You know ... no amount of research can prepare you for actual application of theories. I am currently making changes to this piece and the process I am exploring.

I am starting with doing my artwork digitally. This will allow me to adjust size and do multiple versions. The assembly is very fussy and I seem to ... at this point ... be putting as much time on this end of the job as the artwork. Perhaps I can reduce time by streamlining or just by practice.

I had to make some creative choices to be able to finish. And those who know me know I am never truly happy with the outcome. It can always be better. But I liked the process. I like doing this and have more planned. Hopefully worth while enough to find a market. It's always pleasant for an artist of any kind to have others find worth in their works.

So Allison ... I admit it. You were right. I can do this.